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Welcome to meet you at the German Industrial Exhibition


Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone Huanxing Moulding Co., Ltd. was established in 2000. Mainly engaged in thermoplastic, cold stamping parts processing, electronic components, mechanical processing, especially has certain advantages in mold design and injection molding of LCP small precision parts. The company is located in Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone, covering an area of 11000 square meters with a building area of 9000 square meters. 

Always maintain the connection between people
Equality and mutual assistance between employees and enterprises

Telephone 086-0411-87541286 / 18525306036
Contacts Yingjian Lv
Email Email:dlhxgm@163.com
Address No. 6 Northeast 8th Street, Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone, Liaoning Province